York Solutions Thought Leadership

York Solutions 3 Tools to Use When Writing a LinkedIn Recommendation

Written by wpengine | May 21, 2013 12:00:00 AM

May 21, 2013

If you are on LinkedIn, chances are you have been asked to write a recommendation for someone you know. Corey Johnson, Recruiting Specialist of York Solutions says it best, “I definitely feel that recommendations on LinkedIn are important, although I wouldn’t say they are crucial.  I’m typically more concerned with the candidate’s skill set and prior experience, which a good recommendation helps to solidify.” By recommending one’s skillset and how proactive they are in the professional field you give them the credit they deserve as well as open up endless opportunities for them professionally.

Have you ever written a recommendation on LinkedIn? Please share your thoughts with us! Below are three tips to help write a LinkedIn Recommendation.

Be Precise

Make sure you are specific when writing about someone’s capabilities and qualifications they hold. Share various examples when discussing these skills and what exactly the job entailed. Make sure you are concise and get your point across in an effective manner.

Use Examples

Use real life examples you have encountered with this person in order to support your text. Make sure to use ideas and examples that are interesting and memorable to those who will ultimately be reading it. By using descriptive words in a specific example we are able to receive a clearer picture of who this person actually is.

Forget Generic

Writing recommendations is a great way to brush up on your own writing skills as well as helping out someone who you feel deserves it. I challenge you to write at least one recommendation on LinkedIn this week!It is important when writing a recommendation that you show what the person actually did and the positive outcome it had for your organization. Use genuine statement to point out what makes this person different and how they stand out from the rest.

Posted By: Melissa Zeman


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