York Solutions Thought Leadership

York Solutions Dice’s Social Recruiting Survey Summary

Written by wpengine | Jan 31, 2017 12:00:00 AM

January 31, 2017

We’re in a new era in which social media is a part of everyone’s daily lives, both inside and outside of the workplace. Some social media websites have been around for over a decade, but companies have just recently started leveraging these tools to promote their products, services, and even some employment opportunities. Recruiters have also begun to utilize social media when searching for potential candidates.

In a recent survey, Dice asked hundreds of tech recruiters various questions about how and why they are incorporating social sites into their recruiting process. A key reason why this is becoming a trend is because the millennial generation will make up the majority of the workforce by 2025, and now is the time to change recruiting tactics so recruiters can be ready to work with a fresh approach to fill positions in the future.

What do recruiters get out of using social media?

Dice reported that 9 out of 10 tech recruiters are currently using social media about 60% of the time, and 7 in 10 recruiters want to utilize social sites more frequently in 2017. Recruiters want to increase their use of social sites as the quality and amount of candidates on social media have improved and will continue to increase.

Are recruiters only using social media to find candidates?

Although tech recruiters are primarily using social media, that doesn’t mean it’s the only way they are finding candidates. Job boards, referral programs, company career websites, and outside agencies are some other ways in which candidates are sourced.

Which social media sites are recruiters using?

There are a ton of social sites out there, which means that tech recruiters aren’t using just one site when looking for candidates. Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Dri8bble are the most popular used social sites among tech recruiters.

What information are recruiters looking for on a candidate’s profile?

The most important thing tech recruiters look for on a candidate’s profile is their skillset/professional experience, followed by contact information (email address and phone number). Recruiters want to first make sure that you have the skills needed for a particular job. And, if your experience matches what they’re looking for, then a recruiter is going to see how to get in contact with you.

You can find the slideshow report on Dice’s survey results here.

How do you think social recruiting will impact the careers of IT professionals?

Posted By: Jaclyn Roman


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