York Solutions Thought Leadership

York Solutions Get to Know a York Staff Member: Andrew Turner

Written by wpengine | Apr 11, 2013 12:00:00 AM

April 11, 2013

The most important part of a company’s culture is its people, so we decided to share some of York’s culture by interviewing staff members and sharing their stories on our blog. We caught up with Andrew Turner, Manager of Consulting Services, and asked him about traveling to Japan, York’s work environment, and more.

For those who don’t know, can you explain your role with York?

As a Manager of Consulting Services, it is my job to ensure that our clients’ needs are met by aligning the right talent within the right organization. This entails screening, meeting and developing relationships with candidates to truly place them within an organization they can flourish and in turn, and helping our clients be successful.

How long have you worked at York?  

I have worked at York for over 2 years. It feels like only a few days though because of how fluid not only our organization but industry is. Things are always changing, keeping you on your toes.

Where did you go to school (college)? 

I went to college at Winona State University and graduated with a Degree in Business Administration, Human Resource Management and International Business. I finished my Human Resource Management and International business Degree at Akita University in Japan where I focused my studies on International Business Development and Market Entrance tactics within the Southeast Asia region.

You travelled to Japan? What was that like?

Ever since I can remember I have had a unique interest in Japanese culture. I studied the Japanese business, language and culture in college and my interest grew exponentially. Japan was a different world, extremely fast paced and business minded, it may sound cliché, but studying abroad truly was an eye opening experience. It truly does put life into perspective. Whenever “life” happens I always remember there is a whole world out there. Besides that, all the sushi I could eat super cheap!  おいしい(delicious)!!

What interests you about the IT consulting industry?

The lack of complacency. As I previously stated, this industry is always moving and changing, it’s extremely tumultuous. I have always loved learning new things and the IT consulting industry is one of the best places to do this. Whether you’re learning new skills from a technical perspective or you are learning new and effective interviewing strategies, there is always something new to learn.

What makes York different from other places you have worked?

For one, York really focuses on relationship development. Instead of looking at candidates and clients from a transactional perspective, York focuses how we can help our consultant’s career objectives for the long term. The York workplace environment is also extremely unique. York is truly a “work hard, play hard” organization. Our team environment is arguably one of the best and we are fortunate to work with some of the top talent in the industry.  We really strive to make all of our employees feel like part of a family. Whether it’s flag football, pedal pub, trips, etc., York definitely makes sure to focus on the team.

How valuable has Think IT been for York Solutions? 

The value of Think IT for York Solutions truly is immeasurable. We as an organization, have always strived to find ways to give back to our clients and our consultants to truly provide them with a “value add”.  Our roundtable meetings are attended and run by some of the most influential professionals here in the Twin Cities. These meetings provide not only networking opportunities but unique insight and perspectives into the IT industry.

What’s your greatest success since working at York?

My greatest success at York to date was when one of my consultants took me aside and thanked me for the resume and interview coaching I had provided for them. They told me that because of our conversations, they were able to find a job the following week. Although the position was not with our client, the services provided helped us develop a strong relationship. Six months down the line, when the contract ended, I was the first person the consultant called and we placed them within the week.

To me, this illustrates the importance of relationship development and looking past the traditional “transactional” view of recruiting.

If you’d like to connect with Andrew and our other managers and learn about the newest IT positions, take a look at our job seekers page!

Posted By: James Sweeney


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