York Solutions Thought Leadership

York Solutions In-Demand Roles: Three of the Top IT Jobs to Explore

Written by wpengine | May 24, 2016 12:00:00 AM

May 24, 2016

The IT industry is thriving with opportunities as technological advances prompt organizations to pursue professionals who bring specific skills and knowledge to the table. Market trends favor the hottest and newest technology, and so businesses are learning that while investing in their IT departments is an expensive effort, it’s beneficial in the long run as the investment can set them apart from the competition.  

We often hear and read about how successful a career in IT can be, but what does that mean exactly? There are many facets of the IT industry and that can leave you feeling overwhelmed if you don’t know where to focus your efforts. Some of the currently emerging areas of IT include security, software development, and Big Data, all areas in which you’ll find these popular IT jobs below!

Cybersecurity Analyst

Recent data breaches at well-known companies have shed more light on the importance of data security. Consumers are concerned that their personal information could be exposed to the public, so businesses need to be one step ahead of the issue.

Cybersecurity analysts are in charge of protecting the organization’s computer networks as well as their clients’ private data. While the stress of working in cybersecurity may sometimes deter professional talent, it’s a very important role for organizations to have. According to Glassdoor the national average salary for cybersecurity analysts is $70,000, depending on your location, company, etc.

Software Engineer

As new technologies are developed, there will continuously be a need for software engineers. This is a key role during the software development process as these professionals support the maintenance of a program’s code to ensure all is running smoothly. Software engineers were also listed as a “hot job” in the Raleigh-Durham, NC area, with a median salary of $62,000.

Data Scientist

The data scientist is, hands down, the most popular profession in IT right now. Recent technological advancements led to the creation of Big Data. IBM suggests “Good data scientists will not just address business problems; they will pick the right problems that have the most value to the organization.” Having this ability allows for data scientists to have a significant influence on the business. They must not only analyze data for the organization, they also determine ways to apply said data to the business and present these decisions for leadership teams. Data Scientists claim the #1 Job in America, according to Glassdoor, and earn an average of $116,000.  Popular U.S. cities to find these openings include San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Washington D.C., and Chicago.

What jobs are becoming more popular in your industry?

Posted By: Jaclyn Roman


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