York Solutions Thought Leadership

York Solutions The Push and Pull Working in an Agile Framework

Written by wpengine | Nov 7, 2017 12:00:00 AM

November 07, 2017

As many organizations move to adopt Agile, it is important to understand that each organization has unique needs that must be considered. Learn more about what our Think IT members in Chicago had to say about how to effectively pursue such a big undertaking. 

Originally posted on Think IT

At our last IT Leadership group meeting, we had a great collaboration as we discussed The Push and Pull Working in an Agile Framework. The group had plenty of experiences and suggestions to share, and it was great to be able to connect members in the city and the suburbs over video conferencing. The conversation could have gone on and on as the topic of Agile brings many different thoughts and perspectives to the table.

Building a Foundation for Agile

The meeting kicked off by discussing what pieces make up the concept of Agile. Some of these pieces can include individual interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change. While these are not the only pieces that are a part of Agile, they can help build a strong foundation when transitioning to an Agile practice.

Many perspectives were shared as the group discussed their experiences working with an Agile framework, but there was a common theme regarding employee training. It’s important for your organization to provide the tools and necessary training for your team as this will help everyone to adopt the same mindset when implementing an Agile framework.

What is Working in Your Organization?

Several members of the group agreed that Agile is not a “one-size-fits-all” concept as organizations have different needs, goals, team sizes, etc., so it’s better to implement the aspects of Agile that will help the organization. However, remember to have a plan when adopting an Agile framework, as it may cause some stress among your team if too many changes take place at once. Digesh Patel, Applications Manager at Ecolab, explained that he experienced this when adopting Agile, and his team began to “lose faith in the process.”

The group also suggested being open-minded when hiring new talent because people with non-traditional backgrounds could offer unique perspectives that support the Agile implementation. For instance, Eric Peterson, Director of Web Systems and Development at Elkay Manufacturing, began hiring college grads with degrees in art or design as people with these educational backgrounds approach technology differently. Eric has also noticed the younger generation prefers to collaborate with others, rather than working alone at their desk, and this is helpful when it comes to Agile.

Overall, Agile practices will differ across organizations, but the baseline is the same: changing the mindset and behaviors of your team as you apply new concepts to better the company.

How does your organization find the balance working within an Agile framework?

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Posted By: Jaclyn Roman


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