York Solutions Thought Leadership

Virtual Think IT Panel Recap: Leading in Crisis - York Solutions

Written by yorksolutions | Apr 6, 2020 3:53:34 PM

Last Friday, we hosted our second Virtual Think IT Panel Event. Our panelists led a discussion on Leading in Crisis. A huge thank you to our panelists, Andy Bingenheimer, Business Information Officer at U.S. BankTria Hauglie, Director, HR PMO at Boston Scientific, and Mike Mccullough, CIO at Be The Match for sharing their knowledge and advise with the group 

Below you will find an overview of the most popular questions from our members and a summary of what was discussed. 

 What are you learning that can transform your teams for the long term? 

There is so much to be learned during times like these. One panelist shared that their company is asking employees to document what they are learning during this time. It’s a massive time for growth, including how to work remotely, how to collaborate remotely, and some are even finding processes for their business.  

What has surprised you the most about how your team is navigating the current situation? How will that influence your operating norms in the future? 

These times are not easy, but it is very refreshing to see teams, departments, and companies pulling together. It’s essential to find the balance between running at the proper speed, while protecting employees, but also delivering. Many have also found that allowing flexibility in the workday for their employees does not affect delivery. 

Given the financial uncertainty, are you changing what you invest in as part of the IT budget this year? 

Many felt their companies were shifting their spending, but there was still lots of activity. They have all seen a significant shift in their spending, and some have experienced reallocation of budgets. Across the board, it seems that companies are doing what they can to support their customers right now.  

How are you flexing your IT strategy to add value to your business? 

Our panelists had shared that one way they are flexing their IT strategies during this time is that their infrastructure and deployment teams are collaborating more with the analytics teams. They have also reduced their sprint velocity on projects and have seen productivity go up. The panelists also agreed that during this time, they have had to up their security protocols and communication infrastructure. These strategies businesses are using are adding value to their organizations during this crisis.  

How are you intentionally caring for your teams right now? 

The well-being of a company’s team is important, especially during a time of crisis. The panelists agreed that recognizing the work that their teams are doing is important and that there may be some distractions during meetings like children and pets. Also, many companies have adopted the virtual happy hours and virtual dinners that they will have with their teams. One panelist talked about how their company does virtual dinners for the young professionals who may live alone. That way, they can still have interactions with others during quarantineTeams getting together virtually is something the panelists stressed as very important.  

How are you ensuring the security of company data with an acceleration of working at home? 

Working from home can be an adjustment and can take some time to get used to. While working from home, it’s important to remember the safety and security of your work. With everyone working from home, companies are emphasizing the security of the company’s data and making sure teams would protect it as if they were in the office. They want to be sure teams are conscious of the network they are using and be sure not to put any data on social media.  

 As we continue living through this crisis, we are learning how to lead our teams and work with one another to ensure we are giving our best that we can. As Winston Churchill once said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” If you were unable to join, you can view the full session, here.