York Solutions Thought Leadership

York Solutions 3 Challenges Facing CIOs in 2019

Written by yorksolutions | Feb 5, 2019 11:36:14 AM

On any given day, CIOs have a lot on their minds. They’re juggling wide-ranging challenges, from keeping up with emerging technologies to sourcing the best talent for their teams.

But there are only so many hours in each day, and CIOs must choose which priorities are most pressing. The following three issues should be top of mind as CIOs outline objectives for the coming year.

Strengthening IoT Security

The Internet of Things (IoT) has changed the way businesses work for the better. Through tools like enterprise systems and cloud services, team members can access real-time information, work and collaborate remotely, and communicate efficiently with clients and colleagues.

But the increase in IoT devices also opens up a company to serious cybersecurity risks. In a constantly changing tech landscape, it’s difficult to keep up with how and where data is accessed. According to research from network control firm Infoblox, companies in the US, the UK, and Germany have thousands of unmanaged personal devices connecting to their enterprise networks. CIOs need to strengthen security measures and anticipate threats before they occur, setting clear standards for employees using IoT devices in and out of the office.

Offering Ongoing Training

Professional development is a key component in any IT environment. IT workers must stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and continue to develop their knowledge and skills. But the burden of training and development shouldn’t rest on the shoulders of individual employees. Continuous learning should be an organization-wide focus.

Smart CIOs realize that putting time and resources in staff training is a worthwhile investment. IT professionals want to engage with new tech tools and initiatives, so CIOs should carve out time to make sure they have the training and support they need.

Closing the Skills Gap

IT job openings have been growing steadily over the last two decades. Yet there are not enough candidates with the necessary skills to fill them. The IT skills gap is a major challenge for CIOs – and they need to address it by looking for a new pipeline of talent. Current hiring practices often overlook applicants who don’t have limited qualifications, such as a particular degree or work history. But organizations benefit when they diversify their hiring and seek out candidates who would succeed with proper guidance and training.

York Solutions’ Barriers to Entry (B2E) program focuses on non-traditional or underserved candidates – including stay-at-home parents, veterans, and caregivers returning to the workforce or switching to IT careers. B2E provides candidates with free comprehensive training, helping them build on their transferable skills. And companies benefit by gaining access to a new talent pool of highly qualified IT candidates.

Learn more about how the B2E program helps organizations close the IT skills gap.