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Multi-level database modernization and Migration Initiative

York’s Data Solutioning for large retail partner.

With the development of new internal microservice based applications and services, a large retailer found their mainframe database failing to meet the standards and efficacy of more modernized solutions. As their business needs continued to grow, the focus became the need to build a standalone customized database to allow easier connection to microservice environments and potential off prem cloud solutions.


Java 8, Springboot


From the assessments of possible data target and technical direction, YorkSolutions built the ideal profile that would meet the needs of the organization and conduct all technical screens, interviews, spearheaded onboarding.

Building Microservices Based Mid-Layer

For this data transformation, Mainframe engineers were brought onboard to build microservices based mid layer. This was a three-prongedsolution to support the existing mainframe as it went through this migration process, modernization,and integration of development tools into existing mainframe and build out of customize data solutionnon mainframe derived.


Elevating Efficiency

Development of a new standalone database allowed for a “lift and shift” approach for several product teams which integrated into additional functionality including real time streaming leveraging Apache Kafka. Mainframe was also modernized to continue to provide value to retail segments of the business but not be ostracized and underutilized by evolving applications.

Leveling up the Team

A team was converted that continued to provide ongoing support, maintenance and functionality while leveling up the organization from a technical mentorship and leadership perspective.

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