An online benefits administration system was dated and urgently needed a refresh to address new required features and an improved user experience. The project was behind and open enrollment dates loomed near. They desired to roll out new features and updates incrementally so that they could address immediate needs without waiting to rewrite the entire massive application at once.
Reimagining benefits administration system while improving UX
Global corporate payment solutions provider
Angular 15
They had already heavily invested in a new design system based on Angular 15 when theylearned that Angular 15 was not compatible with their existing code base. Due to resource limitations,they sought York as a reliable partner capable of delivering the entire project and deliver by thedeadline.
Ensuring Compatibility Through a Proactive Proof-of-Concept
Proof of Concept Verifies Predictable Outcome York quickly offered a solution to the compatibilityproblem and assigned an internal technical team to create a proof-of-concept application to verify thetechnique before the statement of work was even written. York was entrusted with UI consulting,software development, project management, and quality assurance responsibilities. To get movingquickly York agreed to a fixed price for the immediate deliverables within the tight time window eventhough there were still some unknown issues. York accepted the risk because of its confidence in itsknown internal resources to overcome obstacles and deliver a quality product

York’s Proven Methodology + Test-driven Methodology = Error Free Code
The techniques York devised allowed new features to be added incrementally as desired. York’s industry leading delivery methodologies and test-driven development (TDD) yielded high quality error free code efficiently and allowed York to meet the timeline even while delivering additional features requested along the way. York’s rigorous TDD methodology revealed out of scope flaws in the customer’s systems otherwise unknown to them and resolved those to the customer’s benefit without a change order or cost increase.
On time Delievrable and Results
York delivered a revamped user interface of the Ben-Admin home page, leveraging modern
technologies and industry best practices. The customer was able to meet its benefits enrollment
deadlines with the newly upgraded features. The techniques that York employed were adopted by the
customer’s other development teams and the flaws York uncovered and resolved benefited many
applications using the customer’s new design system. The customer reported that York’s team came
up to speed and delivered high quality more quickly than any other team they had ever encountered.
The close partnership and glass box approach [RH2] infused better practices and techniques into other
customer teams.