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Reviving Healthcare Billing: York's Agile Solution for a Leading Insurer


A prominent health insurance company found itself grappling with a critical challenge: the need to streamline and consolidate disparate healthcare platforms into a cohesive system capable of serving both individual and commercial insured customers. With time ticking away, the company urgently sought guidance, expertise, and development resources to salvage their stalled project on individual insured billing and to reinvigorate the design and development of their commercial invoicing system.


MuleSoft, Java, and EDI 820 for HealthRule


Streamline disparate healthcare platforms, develop individual insured billing and redesign commercial invoicing system.

Transforming Healthcare billing

York swiftly stepped in, providing valuable guidance to the organization's internal team on individual insured customer issues while assembling a dedicated team of developers and healthcare billing experts. Harnessing the power of MuleSoft, Java, and EDI 820 for HealthRules, York meticulously designed and developed a comprehensive invoicing, billing, payment management, and invoice reconciliation system. A standout innovation was the implementation of a rule-based payment routing and process automation module, significantly enhancing payment processing efficiency while reducing manpower requirements and costs.


Navigating Success

The health insurance company’s project is back on track, poised for timely completion in the 2nd quarter of 2024. The solutions crafted by York's experts are expected to yield substantial cost savings for the company, ensuring a positive impact on their bottom line.

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