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WIL Recap: Core Passion, Preparing for 2020

Who are you? What do you want? When you know who you are, you know what to do. Last Thursday at our Women in Leadership Group Meeting, Lori Palm, CEO at Core Passion Inc., and Wes Hamilton, Spiritual Life Leadership Coach, led an engaging discussion on the topic, Core Passion, Preparing for 2020. Thank you to Cargill for hosting our group! 

Lori and Wes weaved the energy of the human spirit (Core Passion) with the energy of business. Linking these two powerful energies creates measurable bottom-line results of communication, collaboration, and engagement. Three different spheres make up the profitable system for harnessing energy; Passion, vision, and action.  

Passion is the powerful Core Passion energy that drives you (the why). Vision is the burning desire energy to achieve something you value (the what). Action is a series of focused activities to create movement necessary for success to happen (the how).  Why is this so valuable? When you know WHO you are:  

  • You know what to do
  • You know what to say 
  • You know where to go 

What is Core Passion? It is your internal driving forces, the energy inside of us. Once you know your Core Passion you can confirm what drives you to do what you do. You can understand that it is a communication tool that gives you the language to talk about who you are. Lori and Wes talked us through a few of the Core Passion codes. Below are examples of a few:  

  • Recognition: intuitive, creative, inventive 
  • Partnership: Sensitive, understanding, supportive
  • Creativity: optimistic, enthusiastic, creative 
  • Form: Dedicated, organized, disciplined
  • Change: Curios, rebellious, adventurous 
  • Service: Heartfelt, committed, responsible
  • Research: Insightful, analytical, connected 
  • Power: Organized, principled, resourceful
  • Enlightenment, Creative, imaginative, aware 
  • Inspiration, inspired, passionate, intuitive 
  • Mastership: Knowing, intuitive, organized
  • Compassion: Humble, visionary 

What three Core Passion Codes resonate with you the most? Once you know who you are, you can prepare your vision. 2020 is the year of collaboration, relationships, being grounded, and learning to work together. If you are interested in digging deeper and finding your Core Passion, you can learn more about the assessment here. You can find the meeting slides here